Beyond the Music Stand – Newsletter

Dear Members and Supporters,

As we begin our new year together, I want to share some opportunities in our community that go beyond the music stand and that also support our mission:

“RCGFB is a welcoming space for the members and allies of the LGBT community to forge connections through music.”

For the first time in our history, we will be holding space at the National Association of Music Educators Conference which is being held in Portland Feb 15-17. We will be the only non-profit community arts program there and we are also bringing a great amount of diversity to the conference. We encourage you to attend.

Opportunity: We are looking for members who have a passion for musical education and an interest in supporting our newly developed Youth Program initiative. We need a few people to help cover the booth during the day on Friday and Saturday, and two people to help NafME with some setup and tear down duties. Please reach out to Kellyn for more information (

For more information about NafME, click HERE.

Dining Out for Life
The Rose City Gay Freedom Bands will be helping to support an annual fundraiser called Dining Out for Life.
WE DINE OUT TO END HIV.   You can, too.

When you dine at a participating restaurant on this day, between 20%-35% of your bill goes directly to EMO’s HIV Day Center and Partnership Project. Both organizations work closely together to provide vital programs and services to thousands of individuals living with HIV.

Opportunity: If you would like to be a DOfL Ambassador, please contact Denny ( There is a small training on Thursday, March 28th from 6:00-8:00pm and the event is on Thursday, April 29th, 2019. 

For more information on Dining Out for Life, click HERE.

2019 Silent Auction
RCGFB will be hosting a silent auction at the PGSB Spring Concert on April 20th. We are looking for donations for the auction. Due dates for items is April 8th. We have had wonderful success with our auctions in the past. Please use the documentation below for guidance. If you have questions, please reach out to Ed (

RCGFB Leadership
We will be voting in new board members on June 9th. If you are interested in becoming a board member, we would like to invite you to our Open House on Tuesday, March 12th from 7:00-9:00pm.  Location TBD.

It is healthy for an all volunteer organization to change leadership every few years. Our At-Large board positions serve for one year, and our Executive Positions (Board Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer) serve for two years.

We encourage you to attend the Open House to see if board leadership is right for you.

We look forward to an exciting year. Thank you for all that you do to help make our community shine so brightly.


Denny Richard
Board Chair, Rose City Gay Freedom Bands