Rose City Pride Bands

In 1990, Rose City Pride Bands was formed by a small number of committed musicians who shared a passion for making music and gay community pride. Rose City Pride Bands has grown over the years to encompass the 3 groups that currently make up the organization: Rose City Wind Symphony, Rose City Swing, and the Rose City Pride Marching Band.

Rose City Pride Bands provide an artistic outlet that is open to all LGBTQ+ people and supportive friends.

Our Mission

Rose City Pride Bands is a welcoming space for members and allies of the LGBTQ+ community to forge connections through music and to entertain audiences using music as a vehicle to unify our communities.

Advocacy Through Music

The History of RCPB

In the 1980’s when discrimination was real and AIDS was at its worst, The Portland Lesbian and Gay Community Band marched without masks in Portland’s Gay Pride Parade. It was a time of organizing, collaboration, energetic discussion and wild dreams.

Near the end of that pivotal period, in 1990, Rose City Gay Freedom Bands became a non-profit organization with the express purpose of bringing all the diverse members of our community together to perform wind band literature. Over the years, RCGFB has evolved into the parent organization representing Rose City Wind Symphony, Rose City Swing, and Rose City Pride Marching Band.

In an effort to be more equitable and inclusive, RCGFB became known as Rose City Pride Bands, offering a welcoming space for all LGBTQ+ and allies who share a love of music.