Thank you for your support of Rose City Pride Bands
Help make our dreams come true for our 35th Anniversary. Anyone who has ever participated in a music program knows just how extraordinary performing can be. The continued rising costs of production are a hurdle for our all volunteer organization. We rely on our donors to help us succeed.
Join the 1990 Club!
Help us celebrate our 35th Anniversary by joining the 1990 Club. We are looking for 100 donors to give $19.90/month for our Anniversary year. You can give monthly, or consider a one-time donation of your choosing. Your contribution, no matter how big or small, makes a world of difference to us.
1990 Club Members
Alfredo Fernandez
Patrick Morris
Melinda Muller
Denny Richard
Kathleen Richardson
Jonathan Schuller
Dignity & Diversity
“What makes Rose City Pride Bands different, what makes us special, is how and why we embrace diversity. Just as a band needs the spectrum of instrument voices, our band represents the voices of our community. Our members range in age from 18-80+. We identify as men, women, nonbinary, and/or transgender as well as lesbian, gay, queer, bi, or straight. We are racially, ethnically, culturally, and religiously diverse. Yet, we have a common goal of making music together. Rose City Pride Bands represents a microcosm of what our larger community could, and can, be. By valuing the inherent worth and dignity of each of our members, and by encouraging musical growth, we are larger than the sum of our parts.”
Founder and Member – Kim Heron
Other ways to donate
Please consider adding us to your Fred Meyer Rewards as one of your your nonprofit recipients. This does not affect your personal rewards, but we do receive a benefit from your purchase. Thank you for considering us.