Rose City Wind Symphony Presents: Old Wine in New Bottles

Rose City Wind Symphony Presents: Old Wine in New Bottles

Rose City Wind Symphony Presents: Old Wine in New Bottles

Old Wine in New Bottles” explores the evolution of musical traditions, much like the progression of Old and New World wine styles. This program celebrates how cherished classics are reinterpreted, creating fresh experiences that honor their roots while embracing innovation.

The evening begins with Gordon Jacob’s Old Wine in New Bottles, a playful reimagining of traditional English folk melodies, blending historical charm with modern orchestration. Johann Strauss’s Wein, Weib, und Gesang (Wine, Women, and Song), in a lively wind ensemble arrangement by Douglas Rossi, follows, evoking the grandeur and elegance of Old World Viennese tradition. The first half closes with Camille Saint-Saëns’ Danse Bacchanale, a swirling, seductive musical scene from the opera Samson et Dalila.

The second half opens with Holst’s First Suite in E-flat, a masterpiece of British band music that draws from the rich traditions of orchestral writing. Dello Joio’s Variants on a Medieval Tune transforms a 13th-century melody into a kaleidoscope of styles, bridging past and present. Julie Giroux’s Fantasy in French adds a dash of modern color, infused with French charm. The program concludes with Dvořák’s Finale from New World Symphony, a work inspired by his journey to America, where Old World symphonic traditions meet New World influences, much like the evolution of wine-making across continents.

Old Wine in New Bottles” invites listeners to savor a journey through musical evolution, toasting the fusion of history and innovation that keeps traditions alive and vibrant.