Sponsor Us

We Thank Our Generous 2023-2024 Sponsors

First Chair ($500+)

Performer ($250+)

Become a Sponsor

From the cost of sheet music, to the concert and rehearsal venues, to production staff and musical talent – the rising costs of production factor into Rose City Pride Band’s ability to consistently produce quality musical programs. Sponsorships are vital to our mission of making music accessible to everyone.

Annual sponsors are acknowledged throughout all of our media and our performances. We would not be able to do what we do without your support. We are truly grateful.

Sponsorship Benefits

Artistic Director ($5000+)

Concert Promotion
Full page program ad for season. Business announced on stage. Logo listed on concert signage*

Bask In The Music
Reserved table seating for 6 at Kaul concerts for the season

Additional Promotion
Facebook & newsletter feature

Conductor ($2500+)

Concert Promotion
Listed large on concert signage* Full page program ad for season

Bask In The Music
Reserved table seating for 3 at Kaul concerts for the season

Additional Promotion
Facebook & newsletter mini feature

Soloist ($1000+)

Concert Promotion
Half page program ad for season. Listed on concert signage.

Bask In The Music
Reserved front row seating for 2 at Kaul concerts for season

Additional Promotion
Facebook & newsletter acknowledgments

First Chair ($500+)

Concert Promotion
Quarter page sized concert program ad for a full season

Bask In The Music
Guaranteed seating for 2 at Kaul Auditorium concerts for season

Additional Promotion
Facebook & newsletter acknowledgments

Performer ($250+)

Concert Promotion
Business card sized concert program ad for a full season

Bask In The Music
Guaranteed seating for 2 at Kaul Auditorium concerts for season

Our Audience May Be Your Next Client

Ensembles under Rose City Pride Bands include the Rose City Wind Symphony, Rose City Swing Band, Rose City Pride Marching Band, and small chamber ensembles. These groups provide high quality music, community support, and meaningful experience for audience and members alike.

Other annually scheduled events include four symphonic concerts, one in each season.
• Rose City Wind Symphony and Rose City Swing performances bring 300+ audience members each concert
• Rose City Pride Marching Band performances: Portland Marathon, AIDS Walk Portland, PrideNW, Hillsboro Hops Pride night, Bat ‘n Rouge and more. The Marching Band plays for over 20,000 people annually
• Facebook & Instagram: 1500+ Mailing List: 2000+